Our wooden blocks come in many sizes, colors and include either printing or laser engraving. They come individually or for multiple blocks we can have a bracket made. All 6 Sides of the blocks can be branded.

These blocks are used for paperweights, played with as stress toys while on the phone or used within different types of game usage.

More and more people feel wood products are great sustainable items for the earth and would rather purchase a wood item than plastic or other materials for their promotions.

Our wood block puzzle in many cube colors is a great promotional item and ordered by many frequently.

Wood Cube Gifts are used for incentive and award programs that would add a cube for each year of an accolade and that in turn would build up on top of one another.

Wood Cubes are used as leave behind for clients, tradeshow giveaways that promote a customers website with a Printed QR Code on one face side, employee gifts  or even for retail sales. In a retail venue they might be packaged with each side having a motivational word.

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